

Summer 1-April- May 2024
Our topic is...
'Sailing the Seven Seas'
During this topic, we will be learning about sea creatures, the job of a diver, how different equipment words- including bikes and how to look after our environment at Forest School. 
Spring 2- March- April 2024
During this topic, we will be learning about the solar system, rockets, Neil Armstrong and we will be completing art work based on the Artist, Jackson Pollock. We will also be learning about the season Spring, life cycles and Easter.
We celebrated 'Number day' it was lots of fun! We had a number parade and completed lots of number activities. 
We have built castles using construction. We have also learnt some features of a castle including windows, moat, drawbridge and tower.
Autumn 2-Nov- Dec 2023 
Autumn 1- Sept-Oct 2023
Summer 2
Summer 1
Spring 2
Spring 1
Autumn 2
Autumn 1 
We have been learning about Tintwistle. We used Google Earth to have a look at some of the landmarks in Tintwistle. We found our school, the shop, the park, Pixie Bakes, Christ Church and the Cricket Club. We also found some of our homes.
 We have painted self-portraits for our new board!
Our topic for Summer 2...
We had a very special visitor in our class, PSCO Brian came to see us. He told us all about working for the police, he showed us all the different parts of his uniform and we even got to sit in his police car! The children and staff had a ball. What a super way to kick start out new topic- ‘People that help us.'
Our topic for Summer 1...
We enjoyed learning about lots of different sea creatures. We made fish using willow sticks and tissue paper at forest school, we felted fish pictures and we even wrote out own sea creature books!
Our topic for Spring 2...
We have enjoyed our Space topic. We have enjoyed playing in our Space Station role play area, we learnt about the Solar System, constellations, the moon and sun. We created also artwork inspired by artist Jackson Pollock. 
Our topic for Spring 1...
We have been exploring a range of fairy tales, including, 'The Gingerbread Man', 'Jack and the Beanstalk', 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and 'The Three little pigs. We have acted out the stories, completed writing around the stories, made clay Gingerbread men and planted cress and beans,
We wore odd socks to kick off our 'Anti-bullying' week! 
Our topic for Autumn 2...
We learnt about how to keep our bodies healthy. We learnt about healthy eating and we made a healthy fruit salad.
We have been learning about our wider world. We have been learning about the rainforest, desert and mountains. 
We enjoying playing 'Guess who?' with our baby photos. We learnt how we have changed and how we are similar from when we were babies.
Our topic for Autumn 1...
The reception children made booklets about Planet Earth. The children drew pictures and wrote initial sounds of words.
Spring 1- January-February 2024
'Once upon a time.'
We have been learning about the season Autumn. The children went on an Autumn walk and used the iPads to take photos of what they found. The photos were all taken by the children.