
Welcome to Year 2 - Class 3

Welcome to Cherry Class

We aim to have lots of fun in our class whilst covering the curriculum. Our topics are designed to capture the imagination of young children and used as a vehicle to develop skills.    

Here’s a few things to help you and your child throughout Year 2.


I will collect homework in on a Thursday and add new tasks ready for your child to bring home on a Friday. Our literacy homework is a spelling sheet, with spellings relevant to the literacy or phonics teaching for that week. There will be a quick 'quiz' on a Friday, so practising at home really helps. Some weeks there may be a game to play on ActiveLearn’Numeracy homework is an online game – again on ActiveLearn’. We will have a look at the allocated task each Thursday, that way your child will know which homework they have to complete.  You can find the games by following the link below and clicking on' my stuff'. 

If you do not have your child's login details please let me know.



We read throughout the week with children in guided reading sessions.  Your child will read with either Mrs Coleman or myself and we will change reading books on a Thursday. The children will also bring home a library book to share with you. We aim to change these with fortnightly. Please make sure library books are returned to school so they can be swapped when needed.  


We have PE on a Thursday for Spring term.   Please make sure your child comes to school in suitable PE kit on this day.  An outdoor kit, jogging bottoms and a jumper are ideal so we can get outside when the weather allows. 

Forest Fridays

The whole class will be outside every Friday afternoon for the Spring term. The children should come to school in their Forest School clothes. They will need something that you don’t mind getting muddy!  Wellies (it can be uncomfortable wearing wellies all day so another pair of shoes is a good idea for the morning) waterproofs, hats, gloves and scarves for those wet, windy and cold days too!

Please come and find me if you have any questions or concerns, after school is usually better, as there is more time to chat- but you can always make an appointment or we can arrange a phone call (see Sue and she will book you in). 


Mrs Francis and Mrs Coleman